Thursday, March 1, 2012

Seriously?: Top 1% Problems

"'I have to do my dishes by hand': Outrageous quotes of Wall Street bankers struggling to get by on $350,000 a year"
This is the headline of a recent article outlining the causes and immediate effects of high-end bankers having their bonuses cut, and having to depend on their $350,000 salaries to provide.  I chose this because I felt it was a more real world example of my meme project, "First World Problems."

Not only does this look terrible from a third world perspective, but even the "average Joe" living in a first world country, enjoying many of the luxuries that we have here, rolls his eyes at this.  Fact of the matter is that the "First World Problems" memes are tame enough to poke fun at superficial inconveniences in life, such as needing to turn off the light, but you're too comfortable lying in bed, or you used your last skip on Pandora, and the next song is even worse than the one before.  But this makes these so-called complaints sound joyful, as these bankers seem to have some misaligned priorities.  It makes the everyday person wonder, “Where has the common sense gone?”

It will be interesting to see how much more notoriety these individuals receive as a repercussion for these bold statements.  Also, it makes me wonder how long it will be until another instance like this one comes up; maybe people will learn a lesson from this.

Austin Woodruff

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